Can you make it compatible with iPod 5
Can you make it compatible with iPod 5
5sです。強化・装備・イェーガー全て買えません。ナイフ持ちのコヨーテ・タンゴのみで進めてましたが、クリムゾン・タイフーン使用クリア必須のステージで積みました。レベルが足らないの?なんなの?Level〜以上、pp$いくらか明記して欲しかった。上記が足らなくて買えないのか、バクなのか、わからん。戦い続けてバグだったら…( ; ; ) 追記:何をどう頑張ってもクリムゾンタイフーン買えません。装備・アップグレード・課金も使用不能です。ios7だからか?有料でこれはいかん。 Lv15 pp$49000〜 No unlocked. all weapons all upgrade all jaegers.
This game lets me relive the enjoyment I experienced while watching the movie.
Crashes for my iPad 2 plz fix :(
If you want more customers you need to upgrade this game
...and dont expect infinity blade
The game is amazing but There is no sound please fix
Love the movie now I can continue loving it
I love this awesome game ever I love all jaegers than you the creators of pascfic rim game
I find that playing this game is fun in all but it is a bit of a rip off. If you made a $10 purchase in this game and deleted it and got the game again it rips you off. >:(
This game is a 100% must get but reliance needs to fix he early mk 1 jaegers being counted as mk 10 and starting survival with category 5 kaiju because every time I play survival with Romeo or tacit or horizon it starts me with a category 5. Along with that, could you add jaeger_name_10 because I have a mission that says beta testing event: win the battle with jaeger_name_10 or something like that
You have to play this game
This game is so fun, but there is a glitch that keeps reseting coyote tangos sword back to level 0 and it doesnt give my money back.
Its fun not boring
I like it but still its so hard to get cash cause u got like 500 a mission which is horrible
This game should be able to work on 5th generation iPods. The fact that it doesnt is stupid.
The recent update fixed a lot of bugs like making sure there are no more Cat. 5 encounters in the beginning of the game. HOWEVER Weapon upgrades have a tendency to RESET when entering survival mode. Ive lost more than 10000 credits because of those, and I payed for some of that. You are literally stealing money from your customers with this issue still at hand. Please fix this. Otherwise, theres not much to complain about and theres a lot going for this.
Can you please add a feature so you can play as a KAIJU and add 3 arms to Crimson typhoon.Other than that great game!!!